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herbal support

Many years ago I was pregnant and found myself looking

for the safest and most gentle products for my baby. Unfortunately all

I found were products full of ingredients that I couldn't understand or pronounce. It was so frustrating. So, I refused to use any of it.


Instead, I began doing a lot of reading and educating myself about all the natural ways I could care for myself and my family, including food, skin care, herbs, and using plants as medicine.  This way of interacting with the world just made so much more sense to me.


These days my kiddo is a teenager and doesn't blindly accept my support, but I do find him making a cup of tea when he's not feeling

well or craving the herbal popsicles I made him when he was younger.


He may put things into himself now that I would prefer he didn't,

but he knows the wisdom of mother earth and chooses to use the

things I make sometimes still. 

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DIY recipes

Make your own herbal

remedies using my

favorite recipes!


shop my faves

Shop my excellent stash of herbal remedies already prepared for you!

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Forest Lake

“In order to trust your body as a guide,

the first step is to begin to understand it.”


                                                        — Deepak Chopra


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